The Common Good was proud to present a very timely discussion with investigative reporter and New York Times bestselling author Vicky Ward on “Kushner, Inc.” Ward will unpack the story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s rise to extraordinary power in Trump’s White House…
Political Briefing: "Election 2020: Messaging and Strategy"
Rule of Law, Investigations, Testing the New Supremes
Screening and Discussion of The Panama Papers
Economic Perils, Reeling Markets, Fed Action, Tariff Wars
The Common Good was proud to present a very important discussion with Byron Wien and Joseph Zidle of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions. Two of Wall Street’s most respected investment advisors will sketch out the economic outlook for 2019 and projections regarding the volatile stock market amid rising risks stemming from tariffs, politics, Fed rates, and global turmoil.
Defending Democracy: John Avlon, Philip Bobbitt, Ian Kahn, Garry Kasparov, and Bret Stephens
The Common Good was proud to present a very important discussion with Garry Kasparov, Russian dissident and world chess champion, Bret Stephens, New York Times columnist, John Avlon, author of Washington’s Farewell and CNN anchor, Philip Bobbitt, constitutional law expert at Columbia University, and Ian Khan, who plays George Washington on AMC’s Turn.
Facts and Fears: Hard Truths and Intelligence: James Clapper
"On the Fault Lines: Decision 2018" Midterm Elections Power Panel
The Common Good was proud to present an electrifying evening of predictions on the black swans and dark horses of this year’s election season - “On the Fault Lines: Decision 2018” Midterm Elections Power Panel, co-hosted by Hunter College. America decides ramifications of one of the most consequential elections in a generation.
Water Conference in Paris
The Common Good was proud to assemble a delegation to join the international Conference on Water in Paris in partnership with the Netanya Academic College with the cooperation of European Leadership Network (ELNET), France-Israel Foundation (FIF), French-American Chamber of Commerce (FACC) and Veolia Environment S.A.
Trump & Global Trade (Dis)order
The Common Good was pleased to present a special conversation on new trade policies and likely impacts with impacts with the Honorable Paula Stern, former Chairwoman, US International Trade Commission; President, The Stern Group. Changes in our own hemisphere and in Europe, and potentially upend US economic growth and destabilize markets— or alternatively, grow American jobs and vastly improve US economic interests.
"North Korea: Progress or Stalemate?"
The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies: General Michael Hayden
The Common Good Forum & American Spirit Awards 2018
What a phenomenal and inspiring day! Our experts led thought-provoking discussions on the most significant ideas and issues in the news today. Our awardees were moving and uplifting. While many of our speakers warned us of the challenges ahead, our awardees reminded us of the best of the American spirit.
Special Discussion with Michael Morell - March 1, 2018
The Common Good was pleased to present an important off-the-record conversation with Michael Morell, former Acting Director and Deputy Director of the CIA, with Jeh Johnson, former Security of Homeland Security. Morell discussed the most worrying dangers to national security and how current US policy does not align well to meet these perils.
Why Democracy is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth and How to Fix It: Dambisa Moyo
The Common Good is pleased to present a special discussion with acclaimed economist Dambisa Moyo, generously hosted by Jonathan Barnet, Guggenheim Partners. Dambisa Moyo takes a look at the difficulties in the political arena and new economic challenges and offers solutions to jump-start economic growth by reforms for our democracy. All of this is part of her very provocative new book, Edge of Chaos.
The C.I.A. and America's Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Steve Coll
The Common Good was pleased to present a special discussion with the inestimable Steve Coll. Coll briefed us on America’s covert involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan and its impact on our intervention there, as detailed in his recent New York Times best seller, Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Special Screening of “Letters from Baghdad” and Panel Discussion
A Conversation with Rob Riemen, “To Fight Against This Age: On Fascism and Humanism”
The Common Good presented a special conversation with Rob Riemen, public intellectual and founder of the Nexus Institute in Amsterdam. Riemen offered a thoughtful meditation on the rise of authoritarian and xenophobic strains in many corners of contemporary Europe and beyond, and how the romanticization of authoritarianism in the western societies contributes to the steady erosion of democratic ideals.
“Trump – Year One” Panel
The Common Good hosted a panel of specialists for a stimulating examination of one of the most extraordinary first 12 months in modern presidential history. We brought the best and the brightest to break it down – with questions like; What is the impact of this President on our politics, on our institutions, on our economy, on our democratic norms and values, on our international power and prestige? Where are we now? Where are we headed?