Edward Luce
Journalist, author
Edward Luce was made the Financial Time's chief US commentator in September 2011 with a weekly column and regular editorials on the US economy and politics. Prior to that he was the FT’s Washington Bureau Chief from 2006 until 2011, managing a team of ten DC-based reporters and leading the paper’s coverage of US politics and economy. Previously, he was the FT’s South Asia bureau chief, based in New Delhi, appointed in 2001. Between December 1999 and January 2001, Edward was the speechwriter to Larry Summers, Treasury Secretary in the Clinton administration.
He is the author of three highly acclaimed books: In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India (2006), Time to Start Thinking: The Spectre of American Decline (2012) and The Retreat of Western Liberalism (2017), which was listed on the best non-fiction reading lists for 2017 at Amazon, The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and the Washington Post.
Luce participated at The Common Good Forum & American Spirit Awards, 2019 on May 10th, 2019, moderating the “World View: Security Challenges & Opportunities” panel featuring Ambassador Bill Burns, Ambassador Nicholas Burns, and Congresswoman Jane Harman.
Twitter: @EdwardGLuce