Jane Hamsher


Jane Hamsher

American film producer, author, blogger

Jane Hamsher is a U.S. film producer, author, and blogger, best known as the author of Killer Instinct, and as the founder and publisher of the politically progressive blog FireDogLake (2004 – the present). She also co-produced the subsequent films Apt Pupil (1998), Permanent Midnight (1998), and From Hell (2001). A contributor to The Huffington Post, she posts also in liberal Websites and political magazines, such as AlterNet and The American Prospect.

FireDogLake (abbreviated FDL) is a US collaborative blog which primarily specializes in covering news from a left-progressive/left-liberal stance. Firedoglake won a 2005 Koufax Award for “Best Series” for its detailed coverage of the Plame affair, while being in close contention for “Best New Blog” and “Best Group Blog”. In late 2005, Hamsher expanded FDL into a group blog.

The Common Good hosted Hamsher in 2010: Election Insurrection: The Mid-Term Elections 2010.

Twitter: @janehamsher
