Mohamed El-Erian Pens Op-Ed on the Economic Impact of the Coronavirus

Past TCG speaker and renowned economic thinker, Mohamed El-Erian addressed the challenges facing  individuals and businesses across the country in a recent op-ed for The Hill. 

“Last week, I spoke to a friend, an intensely dedicated doctor in Orange County, Calif...As the owner and chief operator of a small business, he is worried about something as basic as meeting payroll — previously, an unthinkable problem. This has become a pressing reality for him because of a devastating combination of business blows from seemingly all directions at once. His operating costs have increased as he tries to buy masks and other material needed to protect his staff from an incredibly contagious illness. His revenues have fallen as some patients postponed visits to the practice, fearing exposure to infection. “

These financial problems mirror the economic shock and potential disaster facing businesses across the nation. El-Erian suggests that what they're experiencing  highlights a problem with our “economy’s policy priorities”.

Read Mohamed’s full op-ed here