William Hubbard
American lawyer
William N. Hubbard III is Chairman and President of Center Development Corporation, and served in similar capacities with its predecessor, Center Housing Partnerships.
Hubbard served in the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) program and is a former Associate of the Wall Street law firm of Thatcher Profitt & Wood. He is also co-founder of the Environmental Action Coalition. Hubbard served as General Counsel to New York State Senator Thomas Bartosiewicz, was a member of the State Democratic Senator Advisory Committee; and was Finance Chairman for Assemblyman Peter Grannis, Chairman of the New York State Assembly Insurance Committee.
Hubbard is currently a Trustee of Citizens Housing Planning Council and the Citizens Budget Commission, a Director of the State Council on Waterways, and a Trustee of Trees New York. He serves on the National Governing Board of Common Cause.
Hubbard convened a panel on The Primaries and the Presidential Election at The Common Good in 2008.
Twitter: @williamChubbard